Wednesday, March 25, 2009

NO, THANK YOU! Tattoo Advice

Jon Mess's featured scream in Mozart Season's "Loom Mom, I'm On TV (feat, Jon Mess)

Always say no to getting a tattoo at random. If you've been contemplating on whether or not to get that tattoo design you found a couple days ago on Google, don't plan on getting it inked into your skin within the next year. Print it out and stick it somewhere you know you'll be looking every day. Like the inside of your fridge, on the side of your XBox, right next to your alarm clock, or even on the inside of that cabinet door that you face every morning to get the sugar for your coffee. Or if you're keeping up with technology these days, make it your iPod touch wallpaper. The main idea of this is to get you to realize how much you really like the design you've been thinking about getting tattooed to your left index finger. (so to speak, you're pretty much marrying it. And yes, just like getting divorced in the real world, it is costly.) If you can look at this tattoo for more than three or so years and love it just as much as you had when you first found it, then it's a tattoo you're probably not going to have any regrets about getting injected into permanently. I say probably because some people prefer to make a decision so big in more than three years or so. But then again, look at the couples who got married months after they first met... and then the couple who got married nearly seven years after their first special night. There's a certain way to determine this, and yes, this will HELP.

Answer some of the following questions about a tattoo you've been thinking about getting lately. It's going to help you delve into more on whether or not you should be getting it inked to you or not.

1. How long have you been looking at this design?

If your answer is more than 2 years, you've most likely already found the perfect tattoo for yourself.

2. Does this design represent a certain time period in your childhood or a strong chapter in your life?

If you answered yes, you've already made a solid reason to get this tattoo. Make sure that it's a moment you're willing to always remember and never regret. Like the first nickname your father gave you as a baby, and not the name of the pet rock you had when you were in second grade. Unless the rock was just that magical.

3. Do you already have a spot planned out for where you want your tattoo?

Although planning out the actual tattoo is more important, where you want it to be placed is actually pretty vital. Always think about this.

4. If it's a tattoo from a...

video game: make sure you've been playing the videogame for a good amount of years, and actually love this character, weapon, pet, symbol, etc. And get it somewhere reasonable, not everyone wants to see your favorite character from pokemon silver is Muk or Pidgy, or that pesky Midna from The Legend Of Zelda: Twilight Princess.

ie. For example, I got Amaterasu, the wolf sun goddess from the Playstation 2 RPG video game Okami tattooed to me a couple weeks ago for multiple reasons. One being I love wolves for their beauty and graceful strength. The wolf has been my favorite animal since I was in the second grade. Second, Okami was the last video game I ever purchased and played in my childhood home, right before I moved to somewhere less comforting. Third, being a photographer, I am fond of the arts whereas this video is uniquely created with a water color style.

quote from a song/poem: ask yourself how much this quote actually relates to you, and don't get it just because it sounds cool. Like "I Am The Arsonist" sounds really awesome. Almost like saying you're batman, but instead, you'd get frowned upon in many societies. And you won't really be getting yourself out of any framed crimes, god forbid's that's to ever happen.

ie. Like for example, I'm getting "Just Breathe, 'cause there's beauty in the breakdown." tattooed across my chest with "Just Breathe" in a bigger sized font than the rest of the words that will sit under it. The lyrics are by Frou Frou (Imogen Heap's side project) that I have been listening to since I was fourteen years of age. I am now eighteen, so this is four years I've been thinking about this tattoo. And if you're wondering, yes, I have been a dreamer of getting tattooed when I was that young. Anyway, Imogen is also my personal favorite musical artist I have ever come across in all my eighteen years of living.
The reason I chose to get this is because I've literally always had this quote pop up in the back of my head whenever I felt tense, or even whenI felt the world was coming to an end. There are actually two ways I find this quote to be completely epic for me. 1. I love breakdowns in screamo/metal songs whereas I will find myself moshing in the crowds during my time off from shooting concerts, and find it to be a beautiful way of releiving stress. It is also important to breathe while you are moshing, because if you don't, you will pass out on the floor is just get moshed all over and probably never walk again. 2. Stress is never anybody's friend. Ever since I was a little girl, breaking down and crying alone to music has helped me get over so many things. Breaking down all those feelings into words as I write down everything that's on my mind as I am crying has gotten me through so much in my life. I don't even know where to start if I were to quickly try and explain it, but I could definitely write a book on how much it has helped me.

Whether your tattoo is from a video game, song, or whatever else you may have grown fond of... if you feel that you have a connection like one of the examples I gave above to the design you have been looking at, you may as well be at the tattoo parlor. The only reason I haven't gotten that Imogen quote on my chest yet is because of my lack of cash. Yes, tattoos can be COSTLY.

Oh, and if any of you have questions on what spots hurt most, ask me. I'm willing to help out and give my advice. =)

Now playing: Mozart Season - Look Mom I'm On TV (feat. Jon Mess)
via FoxyTunes

1 comment:

  1. Good list I need to show this to some of my friends, especially the one one about where to place it.
