Monday, March 2, 2009

It's The Simple Things...

It's always nice to hear an automated message left on your home phone telling you that all your classes are canceled due to the increase of bad weather. Truth is, my school hasn't had a snow day in over 23 years. So to celebrate, I brought Coona outside to experience her first snow fall. Even though we only ended up being outside for barely ten minutes because she began to fuss and cry, I managed to get some cute shots of Coona's confused little face.

Angel's always been a snow puppy, even since her first time. I think it's probably the only opportunity I have to take some pretty crazy shots of her. She's just so hyper and skilled in the snow that with almost every shot I take of her, I manage to capture her in some sick running stance or crazy leap. And seeing as it's over 10" of snow outside now, I believe I'll have more than enough days to take Coona and Angel outside for more snow leaping.

After bringing Coona in, I lightly blow dried her back to warmth as Angel groomed herself clean. Gave both of them treats for being good pups. Angel is now sleeping on the futon on my boyfriend's shirt. And Coona is out like a light on the floor, toy under her head. Both all warm and cozy, already exhausted for their quick ten minutes outside in the snow. :)


  1. They're so cute!! I love puppies... Now, about the ghost videos. I was on youtube last night for 2 hours last night looking up anything that might scare me. I'm addicted. I can't help it. The ghost video exchange sounds like a good idea. Sweet blog, btw.

  2. Never can go wrong with a puppy.

    Ah! I am in debt to you then.
    Not so scary, but more mysterious.

    Since I viewed your video, so I am tagging you with this one. If you've seen it already, let me know. It won't count and I'll have to send you another one before you tag me back.

    And thank you!

  3. That's crazy!!! I hadn't seen that one yet... I wonder where that gas station is... here's one for you...
    This would scare the shit out of me. I'm almost afraid to look in the woods at night. Ha!

  4. Oh geez! I definitely watched it twice just to give myself another scare. haha
    Here's one. I would NOT want this thing jumping at me.

  5. You have some very adorable pups. :] I'm a sucker for photos in the snow, since I'm Floridian and never have been in snow before.

    Oh by the way, thanks a lot for the comment on my blog, thought I'd pop in and say hi!

  6. Aww, you sound like my cousins in Florida. Well, not actually my cousins, just the sons of my mother's very close friend. It only came to be appropriate for me to call their mother my Aunt. I hope you get a chance to come to New York and somewhere North of where you are to experience the snow.
    And of course! Like I said, I'm sure I'll be visiting your blog again later. I'm keeping on the lookout.
