Sunday, March 1, 2009

Inks & Holes.

I've never really been able to decide how I want my body to look as far as piercings and tattoos go by the time I'm 30 and probably not looking to do anything else to my body. I don't think anyone really has such a clear mindset on how they want their bodies to be altered.

I know for fact that the tattoo I have now won't be the last one I get, but where all my next ones may be placed on my body is something I contemplate daily. Like the EchoRukia tattoo I have on the front of my left shoulder was something I thought up in literally just minutes at a tattoo party. For the fact I didn't think about it more than five minutes makes me create different ideas for my next ones every day. It's not that I regret the tattoo itself or even the placement of it, but to see how easily I let myself make a huge decision a little too spontaneously.

I originally planned to either get "SEASONS CHANGE ME, BUT THEY WON'T CHANGE MY CORE" on the top of my back or the wolf Amaterasu from Okami and the wolf version of Link from The Legend of Zelda on either my back or one wolf on each of the back of my legs (or arms to start sleeves). I have several mental visions for the video game wolves one, but I have yet to have someone properly draw one up for me.

The only piercings I have gotten so far are on my ears. I haven't decided whether or not I want more, or if I just want to keep upping the gauge size on my ear lobes. So far I have them both at a 0G. I'd love to make them bigger, but hearing all the stories about going any bigger would include me getting my ears surgically repaired. I can tell you right now I don't believe I'm prepared for that.

I have made some plans with a good friend of mine who's learning to pierce at a tattoo and piercing parlor to let him give me a nice pair of snakebites. I'm not so sure if I'll look good with them, but hey, it's helping him practice, and I'm getting it for free. So taking them out in case they don't exactly look the best on me won't be a problem. I may even stray away from the snakebites idea last minute, and just get the left side of my lip pierced. Go figure me.

Getting another tattoo is also how I plan to spend the night I'm supposed to be going to the Senior Prom. Hey, I'd rather take all the money that was supposed to be spent on the outfits, the limo, and the Prom tickets on my boyfriend and I and just go get some tattoos at a nice parlor.

I know, I know, please don't start leaving rants in the comments on this blog to tell me how stupid I am for already planning on not attending the huge prom "we've all been waiting for." A lot of you know the reasons I've decided not to go. Getting tattooed sounds much more fitting for a wonderful night. :)


  1. That's sick. I've wanted to get a tattoo of a rose in a bell jar on my right lower leg for a couple of years, but seeing as I have no idea what profession I want to go into, I'm holding off on tattoos/piercings other than ears for now. :)

  2. Thank you. :) I see what you mean, I was sure at the time that I got my EchoRukia tattoo that I was going to stick to the fields of photography. Although at the time, I had no idea if a tattoo was allowed to show. So reason for it being on the front of my left shoulder was so I could simply hide it just in case. You could always get your tattoo on your ankle if you're comfortable with wearing just jeans, or any pants, to work all the time. Or just choose another area to have the tattoo where you're sure you can hide it without a problem. :)
    I've already made my mind in getting at least one of my arms sleeved. If anyone complains about it, I could just tell them "it's the art of expression!"
